The OBViOUS "SiX SeCoNDS 'TiL SuNSHiNE" Six Seconds 'til Sunshine - The Obvious日本 | Six Seconds 'til Sunshine - The Obvious USA

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LoVe iS So FReaKiN' CooL
- ラブ・イズ・ソー・フリーキン・クール
© mr christopher - July 17, 2005 - January 2006

The more that I see other people
The more I think of you.
No matter what the new distraction
Shines a light on you.

I've burned the letters and the photos
I've burned them long ago
the longer that I keep away
The more I seem to know

LoVe iS So FReaKiN' CooL
LoVe iS So FReaKiN' CooLl

I can't erase the memories
I can still recall the time
That you smile set me free
And made me loose my mind

I wanna see the world with you
I wanna blow your mind
I wanna be you're lovin' man
And leave the rest behind

LoVe iS So FReaKiN' CooL
LoVe iS So FReaKiN' CooL

I wanna hold you in my arms
Just like long ago
Come now I need you girl
I'll never let you go

LoVe iS So FReaKiN' CooL
LoVe iS So FReaKiN' CooL


| Home | Album | Intro | Songs: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | Credits |

12) ToMoRRoW iS aNoTHeR DaY トゥモロウ・イズ・アナザー・デイ
© October 2007 ~ February 2009

After a two-year run, the J-OBViOUS (version 2.1) stopped performing in January 2009. From that point on, my creative focus changed from power-pop trio arrangements to seeking out other forms of expression in popular music. By February, I was already dabbling in electronica and considered a possible musical-visual video art performance. I picked out an earlier song demo, inspired by an Autumn trip to Nagoya from two years earlier, and went to work on lyrics to start this new direction. The stopping of live performances is a shock to the system for any artist. There isn't the instant response to your work. There isn't the adrenaline rush and constant physical workout of a performance. You can begin to become dulled by the the isolation of the situation if you aren't careful.

In the dark shadow of that early Spring, I decided to musically motivate myself, as I had with "SMiLe", but without the sardonic hard edge of that song. "ToMoRRoW iS aNoTHeR DaY" became a song to relax to. A rest to prepare for the new opportunities which would present themselves tomorrow. The joyful moment of this song is the guitar solo, which I intended to represent the first rays of sunshine breaking over the horizon after a long darkness. This also was an inspiration for this album's title. Sadly, the multi-tracks and mixes for this song were lost in a hard drive crash. This mix was salvaged and restored from a promotional DVD sent to Tokyo Music recording companies in the summer of 2009. This music also welcomed visitors to The OBViOUS website ( for the time leading up to the release of this album as a sign of things to come.

"When answers seem to lead nowhere, you've got no map to take you there..."

Started and stopped in 2007... picked up again in 2009, and later finished in 2010

12) ToMoRRoW iS aNoTHeR DaY トゥモロウ・イズ・アナザー・デイ
© October 2007 ~ February 2009


暗い影が漂っていたその年の早春、「スマイル」でやったように、自分をやる気にさせようと決めました。でも、皮肉っぽい感じは抜きで。そして、「トゥモロウ・イズ・アナザー・デイ」はリラックスできるような曲になりました。明日やってくる新しいチャンスに備えてゆっくり休むような・・・。。この曲の明るい部分は、ギターソロです。長い暗闇が続いた後、地平線から差し込むひと筋の太陽光線を表すように意識しました。悲しいことに、この曲のマルチ・トラックとミックスは、ハード・ドライブの故障でなくなってしまいました。この収録曲は、東京の音楽会社に、2009年夏に送ったプロモーションDVDから拾い出したミックスです。この曲はまた、このアルバムのリリースに向けて、The OBViOUSのホームページ (で閲覧者が最初に耳にするようにして、ニュー・アルバムリリースを匂わせるのに使いました。

"When answers seem to lead nowhere, you've got no map to take you there..."


The OBViOUS "SiX SeCoNDS 'TiL SuNSHiNE" on: iTunes Japan | iTunes USA

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