The OBViOUS "SiX SeCoNDS 'TiL SuNSHiNE" Six Seconds 'til Sunshine - The Obvious日本 | Six Seconds 'til Sunshine - The Obvious USA

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© mr christopher Nov 18, 2009 ~ Aug 7, 2010.

While were apart, there's a million things that I want to tell you.
A little spark... a flame to suddenly sail you....
From out Of The dark...
There's a million things that I want to tell you

Hit out of the park, to galaxies and stars around us.
When nights are so dark, their heavenly light surrounds us.
There's a million things that I want to tell you. (2x)
My beautiful one.

So much to say, but I don't really have the know-how.
Words get in the way, to communicate the way I feel now.

From out in the dark
There's a million things that I want to tell you. (2x)
My beautiful one.
My one in a million, my beautiful one.

A million hands, knockin' on your door
A million lands you've never seen before
A million dreams, all waiting to come true
Just waiting here for you...

From out in the dark, I wonder what you think about me.
Do I miss the mark by whispering instead of shouting?

From out in the dark...
There's a million things that I want to tell you. (2x)
Make that a million and one.*
My one in a million, my beautiful one.
There's a million things that I want to tell you. (2x)

...My beautiful one.

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03) a MiLLioN THiNGS
© mr christopher Nov 18, 2009 ~ Aug 7, 2010.

The last music written for this album.
One November afternoon in Tokyo, 2009, I was sitting warming up on guitar waiting for my guitar student to arrive when the music just came to me ... a new song! A quick demo ensued and was all finished in the 10 minutes before my student's knock came on the door at the top of the hour.

Forty days later in Florida, I had picked 3 songs I definitely wanted to record for our last album session ... and gave Brad and Tim each a disc of other demos I had done (including this song) to see what they preferred.

Tim picked this one out right away.

I made a score for the session, however everyone had great ideas for this song so we basically threw out my arrangement and made a completely new chart. I clearly remember Tim suggesting that nifty little melodic bass solo for Brad after the first verse.

It's probably a good thing I had not finalized all the lyrics yet.

The instantaneous improvised lyrics heard on my original demo already included several key phrases which made it into the final version. Namely: "out in the dark", "a million things that I want to tell you" ... and the opening line: "While we're apart...".
However it wasn't until the vocal session back in Tokyo when I sat down to finish the lyrics, that there occurred a magic moment where the song's whole meaning just lined up and became powerfully clear.

While already clearly a song about the gap that grows between people who care about each other... and the difficulty expressing love to each other.... this was clearly more than that.

I added the intended target of the story in a new: "my beautiful one"  ... making it clear that this was a song of love from a parent to their child. 

I was dumbstruck at the revelation that had made it's way to the surface.
On 7:36 AM Aug 8th a @THEOBViOUSCOM "tweet' went out from Digital Banana Recording Studios - Tokyo. 

The message read.
"mrC: I changed one word in a new studio recording... the whole meaning changed. Made me cry on playback. A powerful piece of work today."  <>
The song was complete.

I personally dedicate this song my wonderful daughter, Mei-Ling, "my beautiful one."

"There's a million things that I want to tell you, make that a million and one"
Recorded December 27, 2009.

03) a MiLLioN THiNGS - ア・ミリオン・シングス
© mr christopher Nov 18, 2009 ~ Aug 7, 2010.






具体的に挙げると、"out in the dark"や"a million things that I want to tell you"です。それから、歌いだしの"While we're apart..."の部分です。


そこで、わたしは特定の相手を入れてみたのです: 「My beautiful one ? 僕の愛しい子」 ・・・これによって、この曲が親から子供へのラブソングだということがはっきりしました。

mrC 「スタジオ・レコーディング中の曲の歌詞を変えてみた。曲は生まれ変わったよ。再生しながら泣けてきた。今日はいい仕事をした。」
7:36 AM Aug 8th webから


"There's a million things that I want to tell you, make that a million and one"


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