The OBViOUS "SiX SeCoNDS 'TiL SuNSHiNE" Six Seconds 'til Sunshine - The Obvious日本 | Six Seconds 'til Sunshine - The Obvious USA

| Home | Album | Intro | Songs: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | Credits |

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| Home | Album | Intro | Songs: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | Credits |


An introduction by mr christopher (with a few choice quotes sprinkled in by Brad and Tim.)

Supposedly, German philosopher Nietzsche claimed the message of nearly every book could be compressed down into a single summarizing paragraph without losing any meaning.

We can do one better. How about this album in 3 little words? No, not those 3 little words. Rather: Pain, Fun and Hope. There it is, nice and neat.

A clearer summary might be expressed in these three lines of lyric: "...tomorrow is another day"... "you make the silence such a beautiful sound", "your head will turn around when you've picked it up out of the ground, to smile."

So basically it's all a bit of "you, me, and philosophy" with a heavy dose of romantic introspection, love... lost and found, dusting yourself off to face another day... and most of all, a light on the horizon (possibly the front of an oncoming train.)

What does that all mean? Ha! We have no idea.

Every album of The OBViOUS has been cross-cultural.

This one is no different, recorded in both the US and Japan. Some material will be preferred by some people in one culture and others will be preferred by people from a different cultural perspective. (a quite fascinating study in and of itself).  However as they say, "It's best to stay away from generalized specifics."  Who are "they"?

Our music has always been about building bridges. The songs here are about us all. Everyone on the planet had defeats and victories, we've all won and lost. We all daydream. We all need hope and have fallen in love (Damn, those pretty eyes...). While the expression is unique, this is truly an album of shared experiences.

Just imagine The OBViOUS as a band of blind photographers, pointing and clicking at what we've experienced these last few years. Then having a blast assembling it all into this giant collage of sound to share with you, something we hope you'll recognize and relate to in your own life.

To put things into perspective: Over the last 5 years on both sides of the earth, there were over 40 songs written for this album of which 24 were properly recorded and 17 actually used. There are no fewer than 7 styles of music on this album. So you can see, there is truly something for everyone, especially if you enjoy listening to very tired, over-worked, culturally confused, jet-lagged bands who have to turn their watches forward to keep from running 3 years behind schedule.

The track listing (snog oderr):
How do you arrange a group of completely unrelated styles into a cohesive album? Well, there are some surprises and roller coaster turns... but really, this play list was completely thought-out and tested by a group of audio scientists to be the best running order of this exact group of material. There is method to the madness, my friends!

Some styles lent themselves to the placement as part of the "journey" of the album. Take it for a ride. You can always make your own playlist later if you have a better idea. 

Our ideology was to start with something easily accessible to most people, turn up the heat, grab a slice of lyrical depth, have a little fun showing off, drop down into a day dream, spring back to reality, another high dive off Mt. Popper-most, break the 4th wall, quickly sneak home for some comfort food, spring board off a skyscraper into a moonbeam before summing it all up with a false ending, thus spinning you around for one last turn for good measure. 

Sound good? It takes just 6 seconds to power up, put it in drive, and go....... s u n s h i n e 

The OBViOUS: "SiX SeCoNDS TiL SuNSHiNE" An introduction by mr christopher.
オビアス:「シックス・セカンズ・ティル・サンシャイン」前書き by ミスター・クリストファー


我々はもっと上手くできますよ。このアルバムを3語で表わしたら、どうなるか?いえ、その3語(I LOVE YOU)ではありません。正しくは: 痛み、楽しみそして希望です。良いですね、素敵だし、まとまっています。もっと詳しい要約なら、歌詞の中の3節で表現できます: 「明日があるさ」「君が、沈黙を美しい音にした」「現実から目を背けずに、笑ってぶつかれ」



このアルバムも例外ではありません。アメリカと日本で録音されています。何曲かは、ある文化背景の人に受けるでしょうし、他の何曲かは、違う文化背景の人に受けるでしょう。(そのこと自体が興味深い研究となっています。) しかしながら、「一般化された特性からは距離を置いた方がいい」と言う人がいます。それは一体誰でしょう?



大きく言うと: この5年間、地球の端と端で、40曲以上がこのアルバムのために作曲され、そのうちの24曲はレコーディングされ、うち17曲が実際に使用されたわけです。またこのアルバムには、7種類もの音楽スタイルが収録されています。したがって、どんな人にもぴったりくる曲があります。とりわけ、予定より3年も遅れないように、時計を進めなければならなかった、疲れきった、過労の、文化背景に翻弄された、時差ぼけのバンドの演奏を聴くのを楽しめればですが。





The OBViOUS "SiX SeCoNDS 'TiL SuNSHiNE" on: iTunes Japan | iTunes USA

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