The OBViOUS "SiX SeCoNDS 'TiL SuNSHiNE" Six Seconds 'til Sunshine - The Obvious日本 | Six Seconds 'til Sunshine - The Obvious USA

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© mr christopher  October 14 ~ 22, 2005.

Oohh Little Pumpkin, Pumpkin Girl

She turned to orange when she ate her pumkin pie.
A flicker in her eyes, a candle burning bright
A face I knew by heart, somethings you can't forget
The lines the curves the rest, her warm and soft caress.

Oohh Little Pumpkin, Pumpkin Girl
Oohh Little Pumpkin, Pumpkin Girl

Love Don't love me no more... (in the autumn sun)
Love Don't love me no more... (autumn rains begun)
Love Don't love me no more... Little Pumpkin, Pumpkin Girl

The leaves beneath her feet, which lead her to my door
A sound I listen for, if only just once more.
Nobody fit me like she fit me when we slept,
Two spoons, a match, a set, much warmer then, you bet.

Oohh Little Pumpkin, Pumpkin Girl
Oohh Little Pumpkin, Pumpkin Girl

Love Don't love me no more... (in the autumn sun)
Love Don't love me no more... (autumn rains begun)
Love Don't love me no more... Little Pumpkin, Pumpkin Girl

A harvest moon is all I have to light my way,
Where little children played in leaves fallen today
And still I know she sees the same moon that I see,
Though far away from me, she's right next to me.

Oohh Little Pumpkin, Pumpkin Girl
Oohh Little Pumpkin, Pumpkin Girl

Love Don't love me no more... (in the autumn sun)
Love Don't love me no more... (autumn rains begun)
Love Don't love me no more... Little Pumpkin, Pumpkin Girl

Oohh Little Pumpkin, Pumpkin Girl

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07) LiTTLe PUMPKin GiRL 
© mr christopher  October 14 ~ 22, 2005.

Simple explanations are always best. I once had a girlfriend who's skin tone would temporarily turn orange when she ate anything with pumpkin in it. That's the story. Autumn is my favorite season in Japan. It's simply beautiful. Rather than writing a Halloween song with ghosts and goblins, I endeavored to write an autumn love song which just happened to include a pumpkin. During our live Tokyo performances, the response to "little Pumpkin Girl" was exceptional. One which Atsushi and Bachin diligently worked to perfect their vocal parts. It's a joy to play, a joy to sing and now a joy to hear through the speakers. We were very honored to have our dear friend, Kiyo Yokoseki, stop by one evening with his acoustic 'Martin' in-hand, to strum along to the song for this recording. As a bonus track, a very special acoustic version has been mixed for this album, revealing the song's simplistic beauty.

"Two spoons, a match, a set, much warmer then, you bet."

Recorded December 28, 2006.

07) LiTTLe PUMPKin GiRL  リトル・パンプキン・ガール
ボーナス・トラック: リトル・パンプキン・ガール (アコースティック・ミックス)
© mr christopher  October 14 ~ 22, 2005.

どんな時も、シンプルな解説が一番ですね。昔付き合っていた彼女の話です。彼女は、カボチャが入っているものを口にすると、しばらくの間、皮膚の色がオレンジ色になっていました。それがこの曲の背景です。日本では、秋が一番好きです。とにかく美しいですよね。わたしは、おばけやゴブリンが出てくるハロウィーンソングよりは、秋のラブソングを書いてみようと思いました。そこにたまたまカボチャが登場しただけです。東京のライブでも、この「リトル・パンプキン・ガール」への反応はすごく良かったんです。アツシとバチンが自分たちのボーカルの部分をこつこつと仕上げてくれました。演奏するのも楽しく、歌うのも楽しく、今ではスピーカーを通して聞くのも楽しい曲です。我らが親愛なる友人、横関 清高氏をこのレコーディングにお迎えできたことを光栄に思います。ある日の夕方、アコースティックギター「マーティン」を持って立ち寄ってくださいました。ボーナストラックとして、このアルバムのために、特別なアコースティック・バージョンをミックスしました。この曲のシンプルな美しさが浮き彫りになっています。
"Two spoons, a match, a set, much warmer then, you bet."


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