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Photographs from this show below!

"Flamethrowers and Fire Eaters"Click To Order
Flamethrowers and Fire Eaters - The Obvious
日本 | Flamethrowers and Fire Eaters - The Obvious USA

BAND Live Photos:

Kiyo CAM - Dan CAM - Yoko CAM

(send us yours!)

FAN Photos!:

mrC's iPhone

They're Back



The OBViOUS LiVe SHoW iNFo 9-4/2011

The return of The OBViOUS!Special Tour Launch Party!

International power pop band, The OBViOUS, returns to the Tokyo stage to promote their latest release
"SiX SeCoNDS 'TiL SuNSHiNE" with a tour launch party at the NOB in Shibuya.

Tickets: 前売: ¥1500. 当日: ¥1700 (+1ドリンク500円)
Ladies Special: 女性限定サービス:女性2名でご来店の場合、1名様分の料金でOK!

当日は全席禁煙とさせていただきます.100% Smoke Free EVENT!
( ^)/占~~~~~ ((((/•̃͡ x •̃͡)y-~~

SoundSpace NOB
渋谷区円山町1-3 B1F

Download: マップ
Google マップ



The OBViOUS at Shibuya Nob 9-4-11

NeW ALBUM:"SiX SeCoNDS 'TiL SuNSHiNE" on: Six Seconds 'til Sunshine - The Obvious日本 | Six Seconds 'til Sunshine - The Obvious USA| NEW: Deluxe CD!

Promo Videos & OBViOUS TwitCasts.



Band iNFO:


Genre: Power Pop (...and then some.)

Current (2011~2012) J-OBViOUS members:
mr christopher - vocal, guitar
Sir Hinago (from Bagel Crown, formerly Beagle Hat) - drums, vocal
The NOG - bass, vocals

Tokyo, JPN.

Record Label:
Digital Banana Music International

Everyone's fav' eclectic power pop band endeavoring to create the perfect pop song and album from 1997 to tomorrow.
Have you heard "Six Seconds 'Til Sunshine" yet? Go run there now... !

The OBViOUS I 2OBViOUS! OBViOUS-ly LiVE 4OBViOUS rEASONS hEY yOU! LiVE At Abbey Road UK "...obliVious" The OBViOUS Best SiX SeCoNDS 'TiL SuNSHiNe

(2010) "SiX SeCoNDs 'Til SUNSHiNe" Six Seconds 'til Sunshine - The Obvious
(2007) "The OBViOUS Best"
(2004) "...obliVious"
(2001) "hEY yOU! Live At Abbey Road"
(2000) "OBViOUS-ly LiVE"
(1999) "2OBViOUS!" 2obvious! - The Obvious
(1998) "The OBViOUS 1" The Obvious I - The Obvious



Find The OBViOUS e v e r y w h e r e . . .
Follow The OBViOUS on Twitter Watch The OBViOUS on YOUTUBE! Listen to The OBViOUS on MySpace! Like us and follow The OBViOUS on Facebook for the latest info! Follow The OBViOUS Fantabulous Podcast on the web or by iTunes Grab the last album on Amazon!

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